Thursday, May 8, 2008

Ribe Tuchus

I was flipping through my Observation Deck looking for a writing prompt. Inspiration comes in spurts these days. I saw the above, and thought, "What?!" So I googled it. Found immediately...Google has everything! Translated from Yiddish it means "rub your bottom on the chair." I met a writer at the Black Canyon Writer's Conference a while back and his saying was a loose acronym...BICHOK, or "Butt In Chair Hands On Keyboard". I liked that one enough I typed it, made it into a large pretty typeface, printed it, cut it out and put in a frame on my desk. Facts are facts. If we writers want to write, but don't have butts in chairs and our hands on our keyboard, not much writing will happen. I don't write much substance on the computer. My best writing, best expression, comes from writing long hand. I know there are other writers who do that too. The computer is for the editing process. I re-type my scripts on the computer and in the process edit. I know, however, that nothing gets done if I don't have my butt in the chair and my fingers around my favorite pen and paper in front of me. When I do, no matter what I write, I'm writing, feeling better, and leaving the desk with a sense of accomplishment, no matter how small.

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